Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cardinal George at Holy Resurrection Monastery

For nearly 10 years the current Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal George, has been a patron of the ecumenical work of the Byzantine Catholic monks of Holy Resurrection Monastery. On Saturday, May 12 2012 His Eminence was able to visit the community at their new home in the small village of St. Nazianz, Wisconsin.
The Cardinal was in Wisconsin to give the commencement address at St. Norbert’s College in De Pere, near Green Bay. On his way up, he was able to stop off for a short time to join the Eastern Catholic monks for a little prayer and fellowship. His Eminence was accompanied by his secretary, Father Dan Flens. During his time with the monks the Cardinal expressed his satisfaction with their lovely new home, and said he hoped and prayed that the monastery would thrive there.


  1. Cardinal George was probably the best Bishop that Oregon ever had. Wish it had been a longer stay.

  2. I was sad to see the monks leave California :-(
    I'm glad they've found a home though :-)

    1. me too! But the TEMPORARY building permits for California cost the same as the entire monastery they bought in I guess we will all need to make road trips- they have room for guests (and men discerning vocations)

    2. I am sad for your loss, but happy for our gain. My family does not live particularly close to Holy Resurrection Monastery, it's ~2.5 hours from home, but we were camping nearby this week and were able to visit for Divine Liturgy and breakfast. The monks made this a very warm and memorable 'first time' experience for my family. Both of my older sons want to go back, which is particularly important and impressive for #2, who says he hates church. #3 and #4 played hide for most of liturgy, but they are 1 and 3, so that's less of a worry. #1 got asked about becoming a priest by a visiting Ukrainian priest and actually considered it (as much as a 9 year old can).


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